Our Ethos
Early childhood is a foundation for later life and as such, we at Ballinrobe Bright Beginnings aspire to provide, first and foremost, a safe, happy, and stimulating environment for the children of our community to grow and develop to the best of their individual abilities. We acknowledge that learning begins at an early age, and we will accommodate this learning by promoting the holistic development of the individual child.
We aspire to emphasize the importance of independence, self-confidence, and respect for others; thereby helping to develop competent, confident learners. We work in partnership with parents to ensure that the child is getting the maximum from the service, and we are eager to establish close links with parents and seek to involve them in our care and education of their child.
Through Aistear,(the early curriculum Framework), we provide opportunities for children to explore, investigate, and challenge themselves in their environment. We provide a large, well equipped indoor room in comfortable surroundings and a large outdoor area that allows children have freedom to express themselves noisily, engage in messy play, experience sights, sounds, smells and textures of the natural environment while enjoying greater space for freedom of movement.This environment is designed to offer challenges and opportunities for risky play.