About us
Ballinrobe Bright Beginnings was established in 2015 as a preschool and afterschool by Kate and Frank Keane. Kate had worked in childcare for the previous ten years,whenshe and her husband decided to set up their own childcare centre. After viewing many buildings in the locality, they decided that the old convent, next-door to the primary school and the secondary school,would be an ideal location. In 2014 Kate and Frank boughtthe convent. They started byrenovating preschool rooms and creating an outdoor area during the next year and Ballinrobe Bright Beginnings was ready for its opening in September 2015.

The Convent of Mercy, Ballinrobe was built in the 1850sfor the Mercy order, whose main focus was theeducation of several generations of children in the locality. The building is beautifully presented with ornate stone work, original classrooms and beautiful grounds where children can securely investigate their natural surroundings. Ballinrobe Bright Beginnings is proud to continue the170 year oldtradition of education associated with this building since its founding.